Monday 17 October 2011

Project 2 - Poster


  1. I really like it, it has interesting curves, besides,it combines hand craft paper cutting skills, with a curving shape. Nice combination.

  2. The inner form is a nice structural concept. I think if you had developed more with composition on the outside that may marry nicely to the inner shape because I am unsure about the current outer form. I think this lamp gives a nice lighting. Nice work,

  3. nice lamp, the inside layer looks wonderful, i like the geometric shape and the repeating pattern. And the layer presents really nice shadow.However, about the outsider layer, i think it's a little bit disconnect with inside part, maybe you could make it small zie, let it more around the inside layer. Nice work.

  4. it is a very interesting light. the color and shape are perfect combine together. i think you could added more layers outside, may will more movement of your light. Well done!

  5. wow. the color it amazing. and the shape it so nice and diffcult too cut. but for the improvement. the shape for the outside layer is not as nice as the inner layer. and it is a little bit discompatible with the inner part. anyway. your idea and shape is really nice.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I really like the form of the light to which the spirals complement the light to create a more intense atmosphere. In terms of improvement a better intergration between the light cable with the light inself should be considered. This can be done through the use of material where a more suttle intergration is made
